Corpus Christi Auto Repair 1115 Reviews


Corpus Christi’s Top Diagnostic Service Center

The illumination of a car’s check engine light causes stress in most drivers. This stress is usually due to knowing the check engine light can mean a costly repair. Most high-end cars have the technology to find issues within most systems within the vehicle.

Over the life of a car, many things can cause the check engine light to come on. Anything from a mechanical or electrical problem to dirty sensors may be the problem.

Many people choose to purchase their own hand scanner, but these only give you a general idea of what is wrong with your car. To dig deep into the root cause of a check engine light, Corpus Auto Service utilizes state-of-the-art equipment designed specifically for each brand of car serviced.

Detailed Diagnostics for the Following Brands

Our BOSCH Car Service-affiliated shop is equipped with only the latest equipment and state-of the-art diagnostic scan tools, so our mechanics can diagnose and locate the problem and get started with fixing it as efficiently as possible. Also, all parts and labor come with a guaranteed 1-year warranty, so you can trust in the quality services we provide.

The Meaning of an Illuminated
Check Engine Light

Having your check engine light come on in your car can be caused by a multitude of reasons. You mustn’t continue to drive your vehicle day after day while the check engine light is on due to not knowing the cause until a full diagnostic reading is performed.

Bring your car to a certified technician to run a diagnostic test. Several issues that can arise with a check engine light are:

  • A failing engine component: Your car runs on oxygen, fuel, and the spark to ignite the mix. If one of the components begins to fail, your check engine light will illuminate. Without the correct mixture of fuel and oxygen, damage may occur if the car continues to operate.
  • Low fluid levels: Sometimes, a check engine light may indicate low fluid levels. This either means you have not had your scheduled maintenance regularly or you have a leak in one of the vehicle’s systems.
  • Issues with your car’s environmental protection system: Your vehicle has a system designed to prevent pollution of the environment. Failure in this system is a common cause of check engine light.

The above systems and issues listed are general in terms of what problems can be occurring within them. For example, your car’s environmental system is made up of several micro-systems that combine to work together. If one of these small components fails, it will trigger a check engine light.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Bringing your car into Corpus Auto Service will allow us to run a full diagnostic check to determine the specific problem and propose a solution customized to your car's needs. This saves you both time and money on your car’s repair needs. Located in Corpus Christi, we proudly help drivers from surrounding areas that include:

Call or visit our shop today to schedule an appointment to get your check engine light turned off quickly & right the first time.

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